Selenium Actions Class
Introduction to Actions class
The Action class is used to perform Keyboard and Mouse actions in Selenium WebDriver. It is basically used to perform multiple actions in a sequence. The Actions class is used to perform complex user interactions like double-clicking, right-clicking, dragging, dropping, key up, key down etc.Syntax to use Actions class
We will have to follow steps to use the Actions class in Selenium:-
First, we have to find the element on which the action
has to be performed using the
method,WebElement element = driver.findElement("elementId"));
then create an object of the Actions class.
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
then sequence the actions using the actions object and finally call the
method to perform the actions.actions.moveToElement(element).click().perform();
Method | Description |
click() |
Clicks on the element |
clickAndHold() |
Clicks on the element and holds the mouse button |
contextClick() |
Performs a right-click on the element |
doubleClick() |
Performs a double-click on the element |
dragAndDrop() |
Drags the source element and drops it on the target element |
keyDown() |
Performs a key down action on the keyboard |
keyUp() |
Performs a key up action on the keyboard |
moveByOffset() |
Moves the mouse from its current position by the given offset |
moveToElement() |
Moves the mouse to the middle of the element |
release() |
Releases the mouse button |
Note: Just remember these methods and their usage. You can
use these methods as per your requirement.