Selenium Advanced Interview Questions with Answers

In this article we will cover some of the advanced Selenium Interview Questions with Answers. But if you haven't read the basic Selenium Interview Questions, you can check them out Selenium Basic Interview Questions first.

What is the Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium WebDriver?

The Page Object Model is a design pattern used in Selenium WebDriver to create an object repository for web elements on a web page. It helps in maintaining the separation of test code from the page-specific code, making the test scripts more readable and maintainable. Each web page is represented as a class, and the web elements on the page are defined as variables in the class. The test scripts interact with the web elements using these variables that makes the test scripts more robust, readable and reusable.

How do you take screenshots in Selenium?

We can take screenshots by using the TakesScreenshot interface. Here are the steps to take a screenshot:

  • Cast the WebDriver instance to TakesScreenshot:
  • TakesScreenshot screenshot = (TakesScreenshot) driver;
  • then call the getScreenshotAs() method to capture the screenshot and store it in a file:
  • File srcFile = screenshot.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
  • then copy the file to the location where we want to to store the screenshot using FileUtils:
  • FileUtils.copyFile(srcFile, new File("path/to/destination/screenshot.png"));

This will save the screenshot to the specified location on your system.

How do you handle file uploads in Selenium?

To handle file uploads in Selenium, you can use the sendKeys() method to provide the file path to the file input element. Here are the steps:

  • Find the file input element using an appropriate locator strategy:
  • WebElement fileInput = driver.findElement("fileUpload"));
  • Send the file path to the file input element using the sendKeys() method:
  • fileInput.sendKeys("C:\\path\\to\\your\\file.txt");
  • Submit the form or perform any other necessary actions to complete the file upload process.

This will upload the specified file to the file input element on the web page.

What are important classes or interfaces in Selenium WebDriver?

Besides WebDriver, there are several other important classes and interfaces in Selenium that are essential for creating robust test scripts:

  • WebDriver: The main interface to control the browser. It provides methods to open, close, and navigate through web pages.
  • WebElement: Represents an HTML element on a web page. It provides methods to interact with the element, such as click(), sendKeys(), getText(), etc.
  • By: A mechanism used to locate elements on a web page. It provides various locator strategies like id, name, className, tagName, linkText, partialLinkText, xpath, and cssSelector.
  • Actions: A class used to perform complex user interactions like drag and drop, click and hold, move to element, etc.
  • Navigation: An interface used to navigate through the browser history, refresh the page, and navigate to a specific URL.
  • Timeouts: An interface used to manage timeouts for various operations like page load, script execution, and implicit waits.
  • Window: An interface used to manage browser windows and tabs.

What are some best practices for writing Selenium tests?

  • Use Page Object Model (POM): This design pattern helps in maintaining the separation of test code from page-specific code, making tests more readable and maintainable.
  • Use Explicit Waits: Instead of implicit waits, use explicit waits to wait for specific conditions to be met, improving test reliability.
  • Avoid Hard-Coding: Avoid hard-coding values like URLs, credentials, and element locators. Use configuration files or environment variables instead.
  • Use Descriptive Names: Use descriptive names for test methods and variables to make the test scripts more understandable.
  • Keep Tests Independent: Ensure that tests are independent of each other so that they can be run in any order without dependencies.
  • Handle Exceptions: Properly handle exceptions and errors to avoid test failures due to unexpected issues.
  • Use Assertions: Use assertions to validate the expected outcomes and ensure the correctness of the tests.
  • Clean Up: Ensure proper cleanup of resources like closing browser instances and deleting temporary files after test execution.

How do you integrate Selenium with TestNG or JUnit?

We can integrate Selenium with TestNG or JUnit by following below steps allows you to manage your test cases and generate test reports.


  • Add the TestNG library to your project.
  • Create a test class and annotate your test methods with @Test.
  • Use TestNG annotations like @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod for setup and teardown.


  • Add the JUnit library to your project.
  • Create a test class and annotate your test methods with @Test.
  • Use JUnit annotations like @Before and @After for setup and teardown.

Both TestNG and JUnit provide powerful features for managing and running your Selenium tests.

For more details, you can check out the Selenium TestNG Integration

What is the difference between JUnit and TestNG?

Both JUnit and TestNG are popular testing frameworks for Java, but they have some differences:

  • Annotations: Both frameworks use annotations, but TestNG provides more annotations compared to JUnit. For example, TestNG has @BeforeSuite, @AfterSuite, @BeforeTest, and @AfterTest, which are not available in JUnit.
  • Dependency Testing: TestNG supports dependency testing, allowing you to specify the order in which tests should be executed. JUnit does not have built-in support for this feature.
  • Parallel Execution: TestNG supports parallel execution of tests, which can significantly reduce the time required to run large test suites. JUnit does not have built-in support for parallel execution.
  • Data-Driven Testing: TestNG provides built-in support for data-driven testing using the @DataProvider annotation. JUnit requires additional libraries like JUnitParams or custom implementations for data-driven testing.
  • Configuration: TestNG uses an XML file for configuration, allowing you to define test suites, groups, and other settings. JUnit relies on annotations and does not have a separate configuration file.
  • Exception Handling: TestNG provides more flexible exception handling with the expectedExceptions attribute. JUnit also supports exception handling but with less flexibility.

Overall, TestNG offers more advanced features and flexibility compared to JUnit, that's why it is a preferred choice for complex test scenarios in many automation projects.

What is the WebDriverWait class in Selenium?

The WebDriverWait class is used to wait for a certain condition to be met before proceeding with the test. It is part of the ExpectedConditions class in Selenium. The WebDriverWait class provides methods like until() and untilNot() to wait for a specific condition to be met or not met, respectively.

Here is an example of using WebDriverWait to wait for an element to be clickable:

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);

This will wait for up to 10 seconds for the element with the specified ID to be clickable before proceeding with the test.

How do you handle alerts and pop-up windows in Selenium?

Handling alerts and pop-up windows in Selenium involves using the Alert interface. Here are the steps to handle them:

  • Switch to the alert: Use driver.switchTo().alert() to switch the WebDriver's focus to the alert.
  • Accept the alert: Use alert.accept() to accept the alert.
  • Dismiss the alert: Use alert.dismiss() to dismiss the alert.
  • Get alert text: Use alert.getText() to retrieve the text displayed on the alert.
  • Send text to alert: Use alert.sendKeys("text") to send text to the alert (useful for prompt alerts).

For handling pop-up windows, you can use the Window interface:

  • Get window handles: Use driver.getWindowHandles() to get a set of all window handles.
  • Switch to a window: Use driver.switchTo().window(windowHandle) to switch to a specific window.
  • Close a window: Use driver.close() to close the current window.

What is the difference between implicit wait and explicit wait in Selenium WebDriver?

Implicit Wait: This is a global setting that tells the WebDriver to wait for a certain amount of time before throwing a NoSuchElementException. It is set once and applies to all elements in the WebDriver session.

Explicit Wait: This is a specific wait condition applied to a particular element. It tells the WebDriver to wait for a certain condition to be met before proceeding with the test. It is defined for a specific element and can be customized based on the condition.

How to pass key combinations in Selenium?

Sometimes we may need to simulate key combinations like Ctrl+A or Ctrl+C in Selenium. We can achieve this using the Actions class in Selenium. Here is an example to simulate pressing Ctrl+A to select all text on a web page:

Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
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These are some of the advanced Selenium Interview Questions with Answers. If you are looking for more advanced topics, you can check out the Selenium Scenario Based Interview Questions next.