Selenium Scenario based Interview Questions with Answers
How do you handle a scenario where you need to perform actions like drag and drop?
To handle a scenario where we need to perform actions like drag and drop in Selenium, we can use the Actions class to perform complex mouse interactions. We can use the dragAndDrop() method to drag and drop elements on a web page. For example, to drag and drop an element from source to target in Selenium WebDriver, we can use the following code:
// Create an object of Actions class
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
// Find the source element to drag
WebElement sourceElement = driver.findElement("source"));
// Find the target element to drop
WebElement targetElement = driver.findElement("target"));
// Perform drag and drop action
actions.dragAndDrop(sourceElement, targetElement).build().perform();
We can also use other methods like clickAndHold(), moveToElement(), release() to perform other
mouse actions in Selenium WebDriver. We can also use the dragAndDropBy()
method to drag and drop an element by a certain offset.
How do you handle a scenario where a web page has multiple iframes?
To handle a scenario where a web page has multiple iframes, we can switch to the desired iframe using driver.switchTo().frame() method in Selenium WebDriver. We can switch to the iframe using the index, name, or id of the iframe. For example, to switch to the first iframe on the web page, we can use the following code:
// Switch to the first iframe on the web page
//switch to the iframe using the name or id
// Perform actions in the iframe
// Switch back to the default content
We also have to switch back to the default
content using the driver.switchTo().defaultContent() method after
performing actions in the iframe. so that we can perform other actions on the web page outside the iframe.
How do you handle browser cookies in Selenium?
To handle browser cookies in Selenium, we can use the manage().getCookies() method to retrieve cookies and manage().addCookie() method to add cookies to the browser. We can manage browser cookies using the Cookie interface in Selenium WebDriver.
How do you handle AJAX calls in Selenium?
To handle AJAX calls in Selenium, we can use Explicit Wait to wait for the AJAX elements to load completely. We can use WebDriverWait along with ExpectedConditions to wait for the AJAX elements to appear on the web page.
How do you perform cross-browser testing with Selenium?
To perform cross-browser testing with Selenium, we can use different browser drivers like ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver for Firefox, etc. We can also use cloud platforms like BrowserStack or Sauce Labs to run tests on various browsers and devices. Also, we can use Selenium Grid to run tests in parallel across multiple browsers and platforms.
How will you write xpaths for disappearing elements in selenium?
We can use stable html attributes which has value that does not change or partial matches in an XPath to locate elements that appears for short time. Also combine relative XPaths along with xpath wildcard functions and explicit waits to ensure Selenium matches the element before it disappears:
// Example usage
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
// Wait for the element to appear
// Then wait for it to disappear
How do you handle an element that isn't immediately visible?
If a web element is not immediately visible, we can use Explicit Wait in Selenium to wait for the element to appear. we can use WebDriverWait along with ExpectedConditions to wait for the element to be visible as well asvisibilityOfElementLocated method to wait until the element is visible. For example, to wait for an element with id "elementId" to be visible, we can use the following code:
// Wait for the element to be visible
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
What approach would you take to handle dynamic web elements?
To handle dynamic web elements in Selenium, we can use dynamic locators like XPath or CSS Selectors that can handle changing attributes of the elements. We can also use Regular Expressions in locators to match dynamic attributes.
How would you manage browser pop-ups in Selenium?
To manage browser pop-ups in Selenium, we can use the Alert interface to switch to the pop-up and handle it using the accept() or dismiss() methods.
How would you handle a scenario where you need to take a screenshot on test failure?
To handle a scenario where you need to take a screenshot on test failure in Selenium, we can use the TakesScreenshot interface to capture and save the screenshot when a test fails. We can save the screenshot to a file using the getScreenshotAs() method.
How do you handle file uploads in Selenium?
To handle file uploads in Selenium, we can use the sendKeys() method to upload files by sending the file path to the file input element. We can use the sendKeys() method to enter the file path in the file input element and upload the file to the web page.
How do you perform data-driven testing in Selenium?
To perform data-driven testing in Selenium, we can use TestNG or JUnit frameworks along with Excel or CSV files to read test data. We can read test data from external files and use it to drive the test cases in Selenium.
How do you handle multiple windows in Selenium?
To handle multiple windows in Selenium, we can use the getWindowHandles() method to get the window handles and switch between windows using the switchTo().window() method. We can switch between windows using the window handle and perform actions on multiple windows in Selenium WebDriver.
How do you handle dropdowns in Selenium?
To handle dropdowns in Selenium, we can use the Select class to interact with dropdown elements. We can select options from dropdowns using the selectByVisibleText(), selectByValue(), or selectByIndex() methods. We can also get all options from a dropdown using the getOptions() method.
How do you handle testing of cross-browser compatibility?
We can run tests on different drivers (like ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver) or use a cloud platform to ensure pages work correctly across multiple browsers. We can also use Selenium Grid to run tests in parallel on different browsers and platforms. We can also use BrowserStack or Sauce Labs to run tests on different browsers and devices. We can also use the DesiredCapabilities class to set browser-specific capabilities and run tests on different browsers. We can also use the @Parameters annotation in TestNG to run tests on different browsers.
How do you verify content behind a hover action?
We can use the Actions class with moveToElement() to hover over an element. Then optionally call pause() to ensure the new content is displayed. Then we validate the tooltip or hidden content using getText(), getAttribute(), or isDisplayed().
What approach do you take for unexpected JavaScript errors?
Check browser console logs or set up a listener for JS errors. You can fail tests automatically if critical exceptions arise.
How do you handle pages that reload at unpredictable times?
Use smart waits like WebDriverWait with conditions that re-verify the page state after each reload or partial refresh.
How can you manage certificate warnings in Selenium?
Set desired capabilities to accept insecure certifications or use different browser settings to bypass SSL certificate errors.
How would you test date pickers with changing UI elements?
Locate date picker elements by stable attributes or partial text. Then navigate the calendar cells programmatically or via clickable arrows.
How do you handle pages with partial or lazy loading?
Wait for sections of the page to load using Explicit Wait and check for new elements as you scroll or trigger dynamic content.
How do you debug intermittent failures in Selenium tests?
Add detailed logging, screenshots on every step, and analyze the network or console logs to figure out timing or environment-related issues.
How can you manage overlapping elements during interactions?
Use JavaScript to scroll or the Actions class to move to elements. Ensure the target is entirely visible before performing clicks.
What is your strategy for testing complex modal dialogs?
Switch focus to the modal, confirm elements are interactable, and validate transitions or data updates before returning to the main window.
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